This is a brand that I discovered recently and I am very pleased.The price of the product is accessible to all of us.My attention was caught by beautiful packaging and gentle shades that represented.
Lip gloss is packed in tubes and it is available in three colours.It nourishes lips and makes them soft and resistant.I like it because it is not sticky when it is applied .Mascara lengthenes lashes and gives them the maximum volumen.Mascara is in metallic violet bottle.Try it and I'm sure you won't be wrong!
Ovo je marka koju sam skoro otkrila i veoma sam zadovoljna.Cena proizvoda je pristupačna svima.Pažnju mi je privukla lepa ambalaža i nežne nijanse koje su zastupljene.
Sjaj za usne je u tubici i dostupan u tri nijanse.Neguje usne cini ih mekanim i postojan je.Dopada mi se što nije lepljiv kada se namaže.Maskara izduzuje trepavice i daje im volumen.Oči su maksimalno istaknute.Nalazi se u metalik ljubičastoj bočici.Moja preporuka je da probate.Nećete pogrešiti!