Hey people!Today Letters of curls.Large, small, elegant, lively curls are unique and require special care.First of all, do not dry them by hairdryer.Curls are inherently dry and drying them isn't good.In order to maintain the hair moisture I recommend castor oil, lavender, coconut ...Wash your hair wiht the shampoo without silicone.Silicones damage them further and dry curls.Curls aren't combed!So they are only damaged.Curls are fixed by fingers.Do not flatten your hair because once done it's hard to go back to the status quo ante.Something that I use in order to control my curls is mixture of panthenol, water and conditioner.I use it every day, two times a day, and I can tell that my curls are ok.So ,my dears, love your curls and be proud of them because they just make you special and different.
Zdravo svima!
Danas pišem o loknama.Velike,male,elegante,živahne lokne su posebne i zahtevaju posebnu negu.Pre svega ne sušite ih fenom!Lokne su same po sebi suve a dodatno sušenje ih oštećuje.Da biste održali vlažnost kose preporučujem ulja ricinusovo,lavandino,kokosovo...Kada perete kosu koristite šampone bez silikona.Silikoni isušuju lokne.Sigurna sam da niko ne bi voleo da izgleda kao da ima seno na glavi.Lokne se ne češljaju!Tako ih samo mučite i kidate.One se nameštaju prstima.Ne ravnajte ih jer jednom izravnane lokne teško je vratiti u predjasnje stanje .Nešto što ja koristim da obuzdam moje lokne jeste sprej od pantenola ,vode i malo regeneratora.Preskam ga svakog dana po dva puta .Mogu vam reći da su mi lokne veoma lepo oblikovane.Tako da drage moje volite svoje lokne jer vas one čine posebnim i drugačijim.